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We recommend taking this test then checking out our lists of A-Z Sexuality List to read and educate yourself on other sexuality labels.Lesbian What you're describing to us sounds like you identify as a Lesbian Definition: A homosexual woman whose emotional, romantic and sexual feelings are towards womenThis result may not be 100%, please read our A-Z Sexuality List or Get in touch if you need further help!AsexualWhat you're describing to us sounds a lot like Asexual!Definition: Asexual is the term used to describe a person who feels little to no sexual attraction to anyone.This result may not be 100%, please read our A-Z Sexuality List or Get in touch if you need further help!DemisexualWhat you're describing to us sounds a lot like Demisexual Definition: Demisexual refers to a person who doesn’t experience sexual attraction unless they form an emotional connection.This result may not be 100%, please read our A-Z Sexuality List or Get in touch if you need further help!Gay / QueerWhat you're describing to us sounds like you identify as Gay / QueerDefinition: A person who identifies as homosexual. Take our test & find out out how you identify!Important note: This test is based on a range of answers configured to get the closest possible match. What is your sexuality? Take our QuizWelcome to our sexuality test! We are super excited to help you figure out or confirm your sexuality.

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